Congress Hall

Conference Rooms

This universal platform allows conducting online events of almost any format, incl. exhibitions, fairs, conferences, competitions, tenders, festivals, etc. The platform is built on a computer-generated model of a multifunctional exhibition and conference complex.

MINEX Forum virtual Congress hall can accommodate online events of various formats from 10 to 10,000 participants. The congress hall is equipped with Internet technologies for organising conferences, round tables, forums.

Congress hall can also be used for online shareholder meetings, corporate anniversaries, concerts, festivals, competitions, hackathons, virtual exhibitions, promotions, and more.

The registration area can be used as a virtual reception with information about the event, technical support, and a platform for a small exhibition or open stage.

Two conference rooms with built-in screens are designed for holding two simultaneous meetings. If required, we can add additional rooms and increase the number of simultaneous meetings.

In the case of international online events, the platform can integrate a remote simultaneous translation system in up to five languages.

The built-in module allows participants to communicate through a public chat, as well as to conduct private one-on-one chats.

Virtual congress hall platform also integrates an online application for scheduling meetings, synchronizing personal calendars, and organizing video calls through a personal account.

Business Networking Zone

The business area of ​​the congress hall provides a platform for open and private meetings, interviews, consultations, etc. The business area of ​​the congress hall is divided into zones. Virtual rooms for organizing meetings in the format of speed dating for groups of 2 to 8 people are connected to the business networking zone with an option to move from one group to another.

Business Meetings Zone

Rooms for organizing negotiations and presentations for groups of up to 25 participants are connected to the business meetings zone. The business area is also used for organizing private meetings of speakers, negotiations, interviews, organizing exams, competitions, etc. The room can accommodate a screen for video, slides or documents demonstration.

Virtual Conference Platform Rental

If required, the virtual congress hall platform can be integrated into the customer’s individual website. When hiring the platform, the organizers are offered the opportunity to place logos, slogans, banners, videos and other branding elements in the halls. It is possible to connect tools to the halls to evaluate the activity of the audience during the event. Price quotations for organizing events at the virtual congress hall platform are provided based on individual technical requirements.